Saturday, March 10, 2012

Buddhadasa Never Dies , ท่านพุทธทาสภิกขุ

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Buddhadasa Never Dies

Buddhadasa shall live, there's no dying. 
Even when the body dies, it will not listen. 
Whether it is or goes is of no consequence, 
it is only something passing through time.

Buddhadasa carries on, there's no dying. 
However good or bad the times, 
always one with the true teaching. 
Having offered body and mind in ceaseless service 
Under Lord Buddha's command.

Buddhadasa lives on, there's no dying. 
In service to all humanity forever 
through the Dhamma Proclamations left behind -- 
O, Friends, can't you see! What dies?

Even when I die and the body ceases 
my voice still echoes in comrades' ears 
clear and bright, as loud as ever. 
Just as if I never died the Dhamma-body lives on.

Treat me as if I never died, 
as though I am with you all as before. 
Speak up whatever is on your minds 
as if I sit with you helping point out the facts.

Treat me as if I never died, then 
many streams of benefits will accrue. 
Don't forget the days we set aside for Dhamma discussion; 
Realize the Absolute and stop dying!

Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

(on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, 27 May 1987)

Information From : Suan Mokkh: The Garden of Liberation
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