Saturday, March 10, 2012

Living with a Free Heart by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu , ท่านพุทธทาส

The Teacher: Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Living with a Free Heart 

Do all kinds of work with a free heart 
Freely giving all the fruits to voidness* 
Eat the food of voidness as the noble ones do
Dying to oneself from the very start

Whoever can let go in these ways
Need never endure suffering and hardship
Whoever fulfills this “Art of Living”
Finds a “trick” that brings complete well-being 

* Sunyata, voidness or emptiness, is in terms of selfishness, defilement, “self,” and suffering. All virtues may manifest in voidness, 
but not as “me” or “mine.”

Information From : Suan Mokkh: The Garden of Liberation

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