Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes 5 , plum village

Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes 5


“If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with
mindfulness and concentration. Meditation is essential for our survival, our peace, our protection.”
– The World We Have, Parallax Press

“Every time we make a step during walking meditation, we are moving like an organism, we are moving like the cosmos, and all our ancestors move with and take steps with us. Not only our
ancestors, but our children and their children move with us. The one contains the all. When we are capable of making a peaceful, happy step, all our ancestors are making the step at the same time.”
– The World We Have, Parallax Press

“When we have enough insight, we are not caught by many difficult situations anymore. We can get out of difficult situations very easily. When we change our daily lives – the way we think,
speak, and act – we change the world. It is important for us to live in such a way that in every moment we are deeply there with our true presence, always alive and nourishing the insight of
– The World We Have, Parallax Press

“To bring about real change in our global ecological situation our efforts must be collective and harmonious, based on love and respect for ourselves and each other, our ancestors, and future generations.”
– The World We Have, Parallax Press

“The Practice of Mindfulness helps us to be aware of what is going on. Once we are able to see deeply into the suffering and recognize its roots, we will be motivated to act and to practice. The energy we need is not fear or anger, but the energy of understanding and compassion.”
– The World We Have, Parallax Press

“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.”
– Being Peace, Parallax Press

“If we know how to live our daily life in mindfulness, concentration, and harmony, then peace, happiness, and brotherhood become a reality.”
– from a Dharma Talk in Plum Village, June 2002, during the Hand of the Buddha Retreat

“We are related to each other. By taking care of you I take care of myself. By taking care ofmyself I take care of you. Happiness and safety are not individual matters.”
– from a Dharma Talk in Plum Village, June 2002, during the Hand of the Buddha Retreat

“We can make the happiness of many people even if we don’t have a penny in our pocket.”
–from a Dharma Talk in Plum Village, June 2002, during the Hand of the Buddha Retreat


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